The following is a list of grants with their associated access to user rights. Users can authorize applications to use their account, but with limited permissions based on the grants the user gave to the application. An application acting on behalf of a user cannot actually use rights that the user does not have however. There may be additional information about individual rights.
授權 | 權 |
基本權利 (basic) |
大量操作(機械人)存取權 (highvolume) |
Import revisions (import) |
改已經有嘅版 (editpage) | |
改保護咗嘅版 (editprotected) | |
改你嘅用戶CSS/JSON/JavaScript (editmycssjs) | |
改你嘅用戶喜好同JSON設定 (editmyoptions) |
改MediaWiki空間名同成個網站/用戶嘅JSON (editinterface) | |
改成個網站同用戶CSS/JS (editsiteconfig) |
開版、改版同搬版 (createeditmovepage) |
上載新檔案 (uploadfile) |
上載、𠖫同搬檔案 (uploadeditmovefile) |
Patrol changes to pages (patrol) |
反轉一啲版面嘅修改 (rollback) |
封同解封用戶 (blockusers) |
睇刪咗嘅檔同頁 (viewdeleted) |
View restricted log entries (viewrestrictedlogs) |
剷版、改版同日誌紀錄 (delete) |
收埋用戶同禁止顯示修訂 (oversight) |
保護同取消保護版面 (protect) | |
睇你嘅監視清單 (viewmywatchlist) |
改你嘅監視清單 (editmywatchlist) |
寄電郵畀其他用戶 (sendemail) |
開戶口 (createaccount) |
Access private information (privateinfo) |
合併編輯紀錄 (mergehistory) |