This page lists tracking categories which are automatically populated by the MediaWiki software. Their names can be changed by altering the relevant system messages in the MediaWiki namespace.
追蹤類 | 訊息名 | 分類收錄標準 |
文件鏈接壞咗嘅版 | broken-file-category | 呢版有文件鏈接壞咗(即係連去一個唔存在嘅文件)。 |
模用重複參數嘅版面 | duplicate-args-category | 呢版調用模嗰陣用咗重複嘅參數,好似{{foo|bar=1|bar=2}} 或者{{foo|bar|1=baz}} 噉。 |
展開深度超出咗限制嘅版面 | expansion-depth-exceeded-category | 版面超出咗量大展開深度。 |
響版度有太多嘅耗費嘅語法功能呼叫 | expensive-parserfunction-category | The page uses too many expensive parser functions (like #ifexist ). See Manual:$wgExpensiveParserFunctionLimit. |
隱藏類 | hidden-category-category | The category contains __HIDDENCAT__ in its page content, which prevents it from showing up in the category links box on pages by default. |
做咗索引嘅版 | index-category | The page has a __INDEX__ on it (and is in a namespace where that flag is allowed), and hence is indexed by robots where it normally wouldn't be. |
有頁面超出咗指定數 | node-count-exceeded-category | 頁數超過最大限制,快啲返去改過。 |
未做索引嘅版 | noindex-category | The page is not indexed by robots because it has the magic word __NOINDEX__ on it and is in a namespace where that flag is allowed. |
Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments | nonnumeric-formatnum | The page contains a non-numeric argument to the formatnum parser function. |
包含住略過模參數嘅版 | post-expand-template-argument-category | The page is bigger than $wgMaxArticleSize after expanding a template argument (something in triple braces, like {{{Foo}}} ). |
模包含上限已超過嘅版 | post-expand-template-inclusion-category | 由於呢篇頁面嘥士喺擴展之前,已經超出咗$wgMaxArticleSize 限制,所以好多模都擴展唔到。 |
Pages with ignored display titles | restricted-displaytitle-ignored | The page has an ignored {{DISPLAYTITLE}} because it is not equivalent to the page's actual title. |
用=模版嘅版 | template-equals-category | The page contains {{=}} but on this wiki that does not expand to = . This usage is deprecated; a future MediaWiki version will implement {{=}} as a parser function. |
有循環模嘅頁 | template-loop-category | 呢版包含一個模循環,即係遞歸調用自己嘅模。 |
Pages where the unstrip depth limit is exceeded | unstrip-depth-category | The page exceeds the unstrip depth limit. |
Pages where the unstrip size limit is exceeded | unstrip-size-category | The page exceeds the unstrip size limit. |
有參考錯誤嘅版 | cite-tracking-category-cite-error | Pages in this category have errors in the usage of references tags. |
Pages with syntax highlighting errors | syntaxhighlight-error-category | There was an error when attempting to highlight code included on the page. |
Pages using deprecated enclose attributes | syntaxhighlight-enclose-category | The syntaxhighlighting on the page uses deprecated enclose syntax. |
Pages using deprecated source tags | syntaxhighlight-source-category | The syntaxhighlighting on the page uses deprecated source tags. |
Pages with math errors | math-tracking-category-error | Pages in this category have errors in the usage of math tags. |
Pages with math render errors | math-tracking-category-render-error | Pages in this category have rendering errors in the math tags. |
Pages that use a deprecated format of the chem tags | math-tracking-category-mhchem-deprecation | Pages in this category use a deprecated format of the chem tags |
Pages that use a deprecated format of the math tags | math-tracking-category-texvc-deprecation | Pages in this category use a deprecated format of the math tags |